കലാത്തിയ ഓർബിഫോളിയ
Calathea Orbifolia
ഒരു തെക്കേ അമേരിക്കൻ പ്രാർത്ഥന സസ്യം ,
ഓർബിഫോളിയ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ കലാത്തിയകളിലൊന്നാണ്.
അതിന്റെ ഓവൽ ഷെയ്പ്പുള്ള ഇലകൾക്ക് ഒരടി കുറുകെ വളരാൻ കഴിയും
Bright indirect sunlight
Water once a week
Where to grow
Bright indoors
Special feature
Air purifying
- Scientific Name: Calathea orbifolia ( Now officially Goeppertia orbifolia)
- Origin: Bolivia
- Light Requirements: Medium, filtered light
- Watering: Maintain moist soil with regular watering, but do not let the soil become soggy. Use filtered, distilled or rainwater ideally.
- Soil: Well draining potting mix. A good mix is two parts peat/coir and one part perlite.
- Temperature: 65°F (18°C) to 75ºF (24ºC)
- Fertilizer: Monthly while actively growing with 1/4 strength, balanced fertilizer. Flush the soil several times per year.
- Humidity: Needs high humidity to keep foliage looking well.
- Pruning: Minimal pruning requirements. Prune old or yellowed leaves.
- Propagation: Propagate by division in late spring/early summer. Can be tricky.
- Re-Potting: Calathea orbifolia doesn’t like to be repotted too often. Only once root bound.
- Diseases and Pests: Damp conditions can promote fungus, powdery mildew & leaf-spot, but their most deadly vulnerability is root rot. Thrips and other leaf suckers can present at times.
- Toxicity: Non-toxic to humans and animals.